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Warmly welcome to our company for investigation

Communication, cooperation and value creation

Shanghai RENLE Science & Technology Co., Ltd
No.3988 Chengbei Road, Jiading District, Shanghai,201807, P. R. China

National toll free service hotline:+86 800-8200-785
Tel: +86-21-5996 6666 / 5916 0000
Fax: +86-21-5916 0987

Hotline: +86-21-3953 8222
E-mail: renle@renle.com

Working hours: Monday to Friday 8:00-17:00

Mobile website
Traffic navigation

Traffic guide

Name: Hongqiao Airport

Distance: 23.5 km

Drive: 30 minutes

Name: PUDONG Airport

Distance: 80 km

Drive: 75 minutes
